The statistics for chronic illness worldwide are going through the roof. Degenerative diseases are cropping up in younger and younger people and, at this point, nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. On top of this, Covid-19 emerged and has us all thinking about our health. Now we all want to know how to boost our immune systems and get healthy. The problem is that the primary degenerative diseases are directly connected to malnutrition and toxins we take in by eating toxic foods, drinking toxic water and breathing toxic air. We released 84,000 synthetic new chemicals into the air in 2020 alone, and we’ve depleted our soil of vital microbes, bacteria and fungi by spraying chemicals and over farming. Okay, so now that we’ve contaminated our earth and our bodies are suffering, are we screwed? Sounds grim, doesn’t it
Well, here’s something you should know—actually everyone needs to know this: chronic disease can be reversed by eating the right food. Plus, your immune system gets a big boost when you eat the right food. Well, what is the right food?
The answers are discussed in the documentary, “Farmacy of Light”— A Quantum Leap in Healing. This film, by Ryan Wirick, is his follow up to the popular documentary “Need to Grow”. Farmacy of Light follows Erik Cutter as he introduces us to his high performance urban farm company, Alergria Farm and teaches us about regenerative soil and how incredibly important that is for not only our health, but for the health of our planet. The optimized soil biology results in superior nutrient dense vegetables, salad greens, fruit, flowers and medicinal herbs.